




Creating Your Own Personal Website Step by Step Using GitHub.io

Creating a Personal Website Using GitHub.io: A Step-by-Step Guide

Topics Covered:

Introduction to Personal Websites and GitHub.io
Step 1: Creating a GitHub Account and Logging In
Step 2: Setting Up a New Repository
Step 3: Choosing a Theme and Launching the Website
Step 4: Editing Content and Personalizing Your Site
Conclusion: Unlocking the Potential of Your GitHub.io Personal Website


Personal websites offer an excellent way to share information about yourself and your projects. GitHub.io provides a free and straightforward platform to create personal websites. In this article, I will guide you through the process of creating a personal website using GitHub.io, step by step.

Step 1: Creating a GitHub Account and Logging In

To use GitHub.io, you need a GitHub account. If you already have one, simply log in. If not, sign up for a GitHub account.

Step 2: Creating a New Repository

  1. After logging in, click on the plus icon in the upper right corner and select the “New” option.
  2. In the “Repository name” field, give it a name like “username.github.io” (replace “username” with your actual username).
  3. Ensure the “Public” option is selected.
  4. Check the “Initialize this repository with a README” option.
  5. Click the “Create repository” button to create the new repository.

Step 3: Choosing a Theme and Creating the Website

  1. Once you enter the created repository, click on the “Settings” option in the upper right corner.
  2. Select the “Pages” option from the left menu.
  3. Under the “Source” heading, select the “main” branch by clicking on the “None” option.
  4. Choose one of the available theme options.
  5. Click the “Save” button to save the settings.
  6. Copy the link that appears at the bottom of the page and open it in your browser. Your personal website is now live!

Step 4: Editing Content and Customization

  1. Go back to the created repository and select the “index.md” file.
  2. Edit the file by clicking on the pencil icon. This is a Markdown-format file and uses an HTML-like markup language.
  3. Add your own content, such as information about yourself, your projects, contact details, and more.
  4. Once you’ve finished editing, click the “Commit changes” button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.


Congratulations! You now have a personal website on GitHub.io! This guide has provided you with the basic steps, and as you gain more experience in customizing the content, you can further enhance your website. You can showcase personal projects, share articles, and engage with more people. The simplicity and user-friendliness of GitHub.io will facilitate the process of creating your personal website.

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Rami Mustafa

A passionate iOS developer from Turkey, I am a person who is curious about how things work, researches, tries and believes in continuous improvement to see how one can do better.


İstanbul, TR


Computer engineering - Sakarya University

İş Tecrübesi

React Native - CMV Teknoloji

© 2021 Patika Dev


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