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How did I start blockchain technology with patika and near?

How did I start blockchain technology with patika and near?

Here is a story about my introduction to blockchain technology.

In the early days, I read articles and watched videos from different sources to learn about blockchain technology. But none of this was enough to understand this technology.

The question I was looking for answers to most in learning studies was what was the equivalent of data structures in normal programming in blockchain?

By the way, I would like to state that I am an Information Technologies Teacher and teach programming courses.

In the continuation of the learning process, I encountered the web3.0 and Near Developer Course at the

Discover the web3! and NEAR Bootcamp

The bootcamp will start on 21 March, but you can join different cohorts by May 1. We'll run cohorts every 4 weeks - so…

And of course, I recommend this training to you.

The course initially contained content compiled from different sources based on Web3.0. These contents helped me understand the block structure, the blockchain structure.

Near Developer Kursun da da akıllı contract ın ne olduğunu, nasıl derlendiği, nasıl yayınlandığı, nasıl kullanıldığı ve nasıl geliştirildiği hakkında kendi kendimize öğrenebileceğimiz güzel bir şekilde sıralanmış içerikler bulunmakta idi.

In the continuation of the training content, information about the near blockchain structure, the data structures used, assembly script SDK, and sample projects were continued.

You can start the course from the link below.

NEAR Developer Course Dersi | | Patika Dev

This course has been designed based on the NEAR Certified Developer contents. In the end, you will write your first…

Assemby Script and Rust programming languages are used to develop smart contracts on Near.

AssemblyScript | NEAR Documentation

The NEAR platform supports writing contracts in Rust and AssemblyScript.

Getting Started | NEAR SDK docs

Follow these instructions for setting up Rust. To install Rust on Linux or MacOS, use the following command: Then, add…

Of course, the educational content in Patika did not stop there. In the live trainings prepared, different smart contracts were examined and question-answer activities were held. The participants were divided into groups and held weekly meetings among themselves and supported each other. It should be noted that a very good technical support is also provided on the Discord channel.

By the way, I would like to thank the patika and the near authorities without forgetting.

To become a Near Certificated Developer, you also need to develop a demo application and publish it on github.

Here is mine:

GitHub - celalaksu/memory-game

This is a simple memory game smart contract. Published on near testnet account. Developed for…

Finally, my advice to you is,

First of all, focus on learning the data structure and storage structure of the blockchain technology you want to learn. When you learn this, algorithm development progresses faster and better. The most important tool that helped me in this course was the near account utils.

GitHub - near-examples/near-account-utils: Small command line demo using near-api-js and JSON RPC…

A collection of utilities to help with NEAR account management, development and troubleshooting Find all TestNet…

In particular, the yarn storage <account> command in this tool allows you to see the storage structure. And with this, you can see the difference between the output given in the transaction part and the data recorded in the storage.

I think you will make a good introduction to blockchain with path and near. Welcome to blockchain technology.

I hope you have good blocks.

Thank you.

Web3 Fundamentals and NEAR


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Celal Aksu

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Artvin, TR


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© 2021 Patika Dev


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