With SysPeek, users can quickly access vital information about their system, including details about the CPU, memory, storage, operating system, network connections, and more. This user-friendly tool offers a straightforward interface, making it easy for both novice and experienced users.
CLIENT: React, Hooks, Ant Design 5+, Electron, Node
SYSTEM API: SystemInformation npm package from -> (https://systeminformation.io/)
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Muhammad Sheharyar Butt
🔭 I’m currently working on Laravel and React, Node JS, Electron Framework For Desktop Apps 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Node js Backend Work 🌱 I’m currently learning Hooks, Electron JS and Cloud Management 💬 Ask me about Anything! ⚡ Fun fact I just Completed My Engineering and Already Done 6 Production Based Projects
Siirt, TR
Computer Engineering - SIIRT UNIVERSITY