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Introduction to Solana

The rest of this course was prepared assuming that you have fundamental coding knowledge.

If you don't have any coding experience, please start learning this frontend development pathway for starters (in Turkish) or FreecodeCamp’s Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners (in English).

If you’re feeling comfortable with this prerequisite, we will cover the following in this course:

  • Front-end integration with the Smart Contract: Using Solana web3.js we will integrate smart contracts to frontend.
  • Rust (a programming language for building smart contracts on Solana): In Solana, we will develop programs using the Rust language. So, as a first step, we will learn to program with Rust.
  • Solana CLI: It is a command line interface for Solana, also known as the CLI. Using Solana CLI and Solana Tool Suite we will build and deploy programs on Solana.
  • Deployment of our smart contracts on Testnets and Mainnet: We will learn how to use wallets and faucets on browser and Solana CLI and how we can deploy our smart contracts.
  • Anchor: Anchor is a framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several convenient developer tools. We will learn using Anchor framework for testing smart contracts.

We aim to build a dApp at the end of this program. Therefore, we will first learn simple front-end operations. In the following sections, we will learn Rust and programs on Solana from scratch, focusing on backend development. Finally, we will create a dApp by combining all we learn.

In the Introduction to Solana section, we will learn how to access the blockchain network from the front end, how to access wallets, and how to create custom instructions. 

As in web2, frontend technologies are used in web3 so that users can interact with the programs we create, the blockchain network, and wallets. 

This section requires very basic frontend development knowledge. 

👉 If you have previously built using frontend technologies (such as Javascript, React, and so on), you will be able to build some simple operations by utilizing the ready-made libraries provided by Solana. Solana-Web3.js aims to provide comprehensive Solana coverage by providing a convenient interface for the RPC methods. Using Solana web3.js it is possible to develop frontend with programming languages such as React, JavaScript, TypeScript and integrate it into a smart contract.

👉 If you are an experienced developer but have never worked on the front end, don't hesitate to move on. We will just use some very basic features. If you find it difficult, you can take a look at these tutorials (Frontend development pathway for starters (in Turkish) or FreecodeCamp’s Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners (in English)) or ask questions to our mentors. 

Don't forget that this program does not focus on JavaScript knowledge; in the next chapters, we will learn the Rust language and build programs from scratch. So try to do your best🚀

When needed, you can use the following resources through this section: 

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