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Smart Contract Development with Solidity

Node Providers

To deploy to either a testnet or mainnet, you will need to use a Node provider. The web3 provider allows your application to communicate with an Ethereum or Blockchain Node. Providers receive JSON-RPC requests and return the response. 

A web3 library cannot interact directly with smart contracts. When you want to deploy your application on a chain, you need to get the data from the blockchain and node providers make this process easy. Using an external service is valuable because setting up your own node can take a long time (weeks), need to be regularly upgraded, struggle to scale, and is costly.

There are many popular node providers available for developers including Alchemy, Infura , QuickNode, Ankr, Chainlink and Moralis. Node provider services have paid and free options.



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Yunus Emre Kabakcı

Patika+ mezunu

Patika+ Fullstack Web Development Bootcamp mezunumuz Yunus Emre,

3 ay içinde Katar’dan aldığı teklif ile, global bir şirket olan Pavo Group’da işe başladı!

“İçerik zenginliği, mentor desteği, ileriye dönük bir network sağlaması ve dünyada en çok tercih edilen frameworkler üzerinden bir eğitim veriyor olması Patika+’ı tercih etmemin temel sebepleri oldu!“


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