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Web3 Fundamentals

Web3 Roadmap for Developers

In this course, we covered basic web3 fundamentals. There is still a long way to go to become a web3 developer. Here is the roadmap we suggest. Each of these steps requires you to make your own research and find resources on the internet. Good luck on your journey into web3!

Step 1: Understand blockchain concepts such as consensus models, hash functions, public/private keys, digital signing, and nodes/network.

Step 2: Learn Solidity to start writing smart contracts. You can also choose other languages but Solidity has one of the largest communities to receive support.

Step 3: Learn Frontend development to work with web3 concepts such as Ethers.js or Web3.js.

Step 4: Learn deployment and testing with tools such as Hardhat, Ganache, Truffle, OpenZeppelin.


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