Odak modu

NEAR Developer Course


NEAR Essentials

There are 8 actions you can perform with NEAR. These actions modify the chain state and they are categorized into three:

  • identity
  • money
  • code


  • CreateAccount to make a new account (for a person, contract, refrigerator, etc)
  • DeleteAccount to delete an account (and transfer balance to a beneficiary account)
  • AddKey to add a key to an account (either FullAccess or FunctionCall access)
  • DeleteKey to delete an existing key from an account
  • Transfer to move tokens from one account to another
  • Stake to express interest in becoming a validator at the next available opportunity
  • DeployContract to deploy a contract
  • FunctionCall to invoke a method on a contract (including budget for compute and storage)


Yazılım Kariyerinde İlerlemeni Hızlandıracak Programlar

Patika+ programlarımız ile 4-8 aylık yoğun yazılım kamplarına katıl, temel bilgilerden başlayarak kapsamlı bilgiler edin, yazılım kariyerine başla!




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