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Smart Contract
These contents have been prepared using online resources. Patika.dev’s own contents are currently under preparation.
Smart contracts are programs that are stored on a blockchain platform and run only when predefined conditions are fulfilled. Typically, they are used to implement agreements among participants, giving them immediate outcomes without any wastage of time or involvement of a middleman. Smart contracts are automated programs that continue the workflow by streamlining the next task when conditions are met.
They function by following programming statements like “if, when, then” written into a smart contract code. Once verified, a network of member computers executes the tasks.
These tasks may include transactions between parties, sending updated notifications, vehicle registration, or issuing a ticket. When the process is completed, the blockchain is updated immediately with the addition of a new block. And once it is added to the chain, no changes can be made to the transaction data, and only members who have permission to access it can see outcomes.
What is the difference between smart contracts and DApps?
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