Odak modu
Back to the future. We're gonna come full circle and finish out or movie review program with CPIs.
This time, let’s:
Starter code
The first thing we wanna do is define the create_reward_mint
pub fn create_reward_mint( ctx: Context<CreateTokenReward>, uri: String, name: String, symbol: String, ) -> Result<()> { msg!("Create Reward Token"); let seeds = &["mint".as_bytes(), &[*ctx.bumps.get("reward_mint").unwrap()]]; let signer = [&seeds[..]]; let account_info = vec![ ctx.accounts.metadata.to_account_info(), ctx.accounts.reward_mint.to_account_info(), ctx.accounts.reward_mint.to_account_info(), ctx.accounts.user.to_account_info(), ctx.accounts.token_metadata_program.to_account_info(), ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(), ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(), ctx.accounts.rent.to_account_info(), ]; invoke_signed( &create_metadata_accounts_v2( ctx.accounts.token_metadata_program.key(), ctx.accounts.metadata.key(), ctx.accounts.reward_mint.key(), ctx.accounts.reward_mint.key(), ctx.accounts.user.key(), ctx.accounts.user.key(), name, symbol, uri, None, 0, true, true, None, None, ), account_info.as_slice(), &signer, )?; Ok(()) }
This is long but dead simple! We're making a CPI to create_metadata_account_v2
instruction on Token Metadata program.
Next, we see the CreateTokenReward
context type.
#[derive(Accounts)] pub struct CreateTokenReward<'info> { #[account( init, seeds = ["mint".as_bytes().as_ref()], bump, payer = user, mint::decimals = 6, mint::authority = reward_mint, )] pub reward_mint: Account<'info, Mint>, #[account(mut)] pub user: Signer<'info>, pub system_program: Program<'info, System>, pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>, pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>, /// CHECK: #[account(mut)] pub metadata: AccountInfo<'info>, /// CHECK: pub token_metadata_program: AccountInfo<'info>, }
#[error_code] pub enum ErrorCode { #[msg("Rating greater than 5 or less than 1")] InvalidRating, }
on Comment Counter AccountmintTo
instruction to mint tokens to reviewerpub fn add_movie_review( ctx: Context<AddMovieReview>, title: String, description: String, rating: u8, ) -> Result<()> { msg!("Movie Review Account Created"); msg!("Title: {}", title); msg!("Description: {}", description); msg!("Rating: {}", rating); if rating > 5 || rating < 1 { msg!("Rating cannot be higher than 5"); return err!(ErrorCode::InvalidRating); } let movie_review = &mut ctx.accounts.movie_review; movie_review.reviewer = ctx.accounts.initializer.key(); movie_review.title = title; movie_review.rating = rating; movie_review.description = description; msg!("Movie Comment Counter Account Created"); let movie_comment_counter = &mut ctx.accounts.movie_comment_counter; movie_comment_counter.counter = 0; msg!("Counter: {}", movie_comment_counter.counter); let seeds = &["mint".as_bytes(), &[*ctx.bumps.get("reward_mint").unwrap()]]; let signer = [&seeds[..]]; let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new_with_signer( ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(), token::MintTo { mint: ctx.accounts.reward_mint.to_account_info(), to: ctx.accounts.token_account.to_account_info(), authority: ctx.accounts.reward_mint.to_account_info(), }, &signer, ); token::mint_to(cpi_ctx, 10000000)?; msg!("Minted Tokens"); Ok(()) }
to initialize token account#[derive(Accounts)] #[instruction(title:String, description:String)] pub struct AddMovieReview<'info> { #[account( init, seeds = [title.as_bytes(), initializer.key().as_ref()], bump, payer = initializer, space = 8 + 32 + 1 + 4 + title.len() + 4 + description.len() )] pub movie_review: Account<'info, MovieAccountState>, #[account( init, seeds = ["counter".as_bytes(), movie_review.key().as_ref()], bump, payer = initializer, space = 8 + 8 )] pub movie_comment_counter: Account<'info, MovieCommentCounter>, #[account(mut, seeds = ["mint".as_bytes().as_ref()], bump )] pub reward_mint: Account<'info, Mint>, #[account( init_if_needed, payer = initializer, associated_token::mint = reward_mint, associated_token::authority = initializer )] pub token_account: Account<'info, TokenAccount>, #[account(mut)] pub initializer: Signer<'info>, pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>, pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>, pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>, pub system_program: Program<'info, System>, }
to update_movie_review
check to update_movie_review
instructionpub fn update_movie_review( ctx: Context<UpdateMovieReview>, title: String, description: String, rating: u8, ) -> Result<()> { msg!("Updating Movie Review Account"); msg!("Title: {}", title); msg!("Description: {}", description); msg!("Rating: {}", rating); if rating > 5 || rating < 1 { msg!("Rating cannot be higher than 5"); return err!(ErrorCode::InvalidRating); } let movie_review = &mut ctx.accounts.movie_review; movie_review.rating = rating; movie_review.description = description; Ok(()) }
instruction to mint tokens to reviewerpub fn add_comment(ctx: Context<AddComment>, comment: String) -> Result<()> { msg!("Comment Account Created"); msg!("Comment: {}", comment); let movie_comment = &mut ctx.accounts.movie_comment; let movie_comment_counter = &mut ctx.accounts.movie_comment_counter; movie_comment.review = ctx.accounts.movie_review.key(); movie_comment.commenter = ctx.accounts.initializer.key(); movie_comment.comment = comment; movie_comment.count = movie_comment_counter.counter; movie_comment_counter.counter += 1; let seeds = &["mint".as_bytes(), &[*ctx.bumps.get("reward_mint").unwrap()]]; let signer = [&seeds[..]]; let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new_with_signer( ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(), token::MintTo { mint: ctx.accounts.reward_mint.to_account_info(), to: ctx.accounts.token_account.to_account_info(), authority: ctx.accounts.reward_mint.to_account_info(), }, &signer, ); token::mint_to(cpi_ctx, 5000000)?; msg!("Minted Tokens"); Ok(()) }
to initialize token account#[derive(Accounts)] #[instruction(comment:String)] pub struct AddComment<'info> { #[account( init, seeds = [movie_review.key().as_ref(), &movie_comment_counter.counter.to_le_bytes()], bump, payer = initializer, space = 8 + 32 + 32 + 4 + comment.len() + 8 )] pub movie_comment: Account<'info, MovieComment>, pub movie_review: Account<'info, MovieAccountState>, #[account( mut, seeds = ["counter".as_bytes(), movie_review.key().as_ref()], bump, )] pub movie_comment_counter: Account<'info, MovieCommentCounter>, #[account(mut, seeds = ["mint".as_bytes().as_ref()], bump )] pub reward_mint: Account<'info, Mint>, #[account( init_if_needed, payer = initializer, associated_token::mint = reward_mint, associated_token::authority = initializer )] pub token_account: Account<'info, TokenAccount>, #[account(mut)] pub initializer: Signer<'info>, pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>, pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>, pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>, pub system_program: Program<'info, System>, }
Solution: [https://beta.solpg.io/6319c7bf77ea7f12846aee87](https://beta.solpg.io/6319c7bf77ea7f12846aee87)
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