Focus mode

Solana Development II

We're starting from the ground up. The first Solana program we interacted with was the Ping program. Let's build it out from scratch using Anchor. You can do this on the playground, but I'll set it up locally cuz testing is easier.

What we wanna make is a pretty simple program:

  • has one account
  • stores a count of how many times a certain instruction has been called.

This means we'll need two instructions, one to initialize that account and its data structure, and a second instruction to increment the count.

Add initialize instruction

  • Within #[program], implement initialize instruction
  • initializerequires a Context of type Initializeand takes no additional instruction data
  • In the instruction logic, set the counter account’s count field to 0
pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {
        let counter = &mut ctx.accounts.counter;
        counter.count = 0;
        msg!("Counter Account Created");
        msg!("Current Count: { }", counter.count);

Implement Context type Initialize

  • Use the #[derive(Accounts)] macro to implement the Initialize Context type
  • The initialize instruction requires:
  • counter - the counter account initialized in the instruction
  • user - payer for the initialization
  • system_program - the system program is required for the initialization of any new accounts
  • Specify the Account types for account validation
  • Use the #[account(..)] attribute to define additional constraints
pub struct Initialize<'info> {
    #[account(init, payer = user, space = 8 + 8)]
    pub counter: Account<'info, Counter>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

Implement Counter Use the #[account] attribute to define a new Counter account type

pub struct Counter {
    pub count: u64,

Add increment instruction

  • Within #[program], implement an incrementinstruction to increment the count on an existing counter account
  • increment requires a Context of type Update and takes no additional instruction data
  • In the instruction logic, increment an existing counter account’s count field by 1
pub fn increment(ctx: Context<Update>) -> Result<()> {
    let counter = &mut ctx.accounts.counter;
    msg!("Previous Count: { }", counter.count);
    counter.count = counter.count.checked_add(1).unwrap();
    msg!("Counter Incremented");
    msg!("Current Count: { }", counter.count);

Implement Context type Update

  • Use the #[derive(Accounts)] macro to implement the Update Context type
  • The increment instruction requires:
  • counter - an existing counter account to increment
  • user - payer for the transaction fee
  • Specify the Account types for account validation
  • Use the #[account(..)] attribute to define additional constraints
pub struct Update<'info> {
    pub counter: Account<'info, Counter>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,

Build, Deploy, Test Solution: [](

  • build and deploy
  • test using SolPG (Anchor testing supported)

🚢 Ship challenge

Alright, time to put your skills to work and build something independently.

Overview Because we're starting with very simple programs, yours will look almost identical to what we just created. It's useful to try and get to the point where you can write it from scratch without referencing prior code, so try not to copy and paste here.

Action Steps

  1. Write a new program that initializes a counter account and set the count field using the an instruction data argument passed into the instruction.
  2. Implement initialize, increment and decrement instructions
  3. Following what we did in the demo, write testes for each instruction
  4. Use anchor deploy to deploy your program. If you’re up for it, write a script like we’ve done previously to send transactions to your newly deployed program, then use Solana Explorer to look at the program logs.

As always, get creative with these challenges and take them beyond the basic instructions if you want - and have fun!

Hints Try to do this independently if you can! But if you get stuck, feel free to reference the solution-decrement branch of this repository.

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