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Why We Need Web3
These contents have been prepared using online resources. Patika.dev’s own contents are currently under preparation.
Older versions of the web changed our lives entirely. They have brought nice solutions to our life but also have brought new problems.
What precisely is wrong with the web today? In short, it’s a big baby. It has grown old without growing up. While connecting the far corners of the globe with a packet-switching network and hypertext platform is an incredible achievement, the web has become corrupted from its own success.
Biggest problem now with web2 is data and privacy that are controlled by powerful companies. Web3 promises to solve this.
The internet today is broken by design. We see wealth, power and influence placed in the hands of the greedy, the megalomaniacs, or the plain malicious. Markets, institutions, and trust relationships have been transposed to this new platform, with the density, power and incumbents changed, but with the same old dynamics.
Take how we pay for things online. On Web 2.0, you are not empowered to make payments per se. In reality, you must contact your financial institution to do it on your behalf. You are not trusted to do something as innocuous as pay your water bill. You are treated like a child appealing to a parent. If you wish to contact your friend online, then likely you will need to appeal to Facebook to relay your message.
Sektörde en çok aranan yazılım becerilerini kazan
Yapay zeka desteği, birebir mentörlük saatleri, canlı dersler ve senin için özel hazırlanmış içeriklerle eksiklerini tamamla, düzenli geri bildirimler al ve öğrenme sürecini en verimli hale getir.
Yunus Emre Kabakcı
Patika+ mezunuPatika+ Fullstack Web Development Bootcamp mezunumuz Yunus Emre,
3 ay içinde Katar’dan aldığı teklif ile, global bir şirket olan Pavo Group’da işe başladı!
“İçerik zenginliği, mentor desteği, ileriye dönük bir network sağlaması ve dünyada en çok tercih edilen frameworkler üzerinden bir eğitim veriyor olması Patika+’ı tercih etmemin temel sebepleri oldu!“
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