Focus mode

NEAR Developer Course

The course outline

This course will proceed as follows:

  1. NEAR tools and how to use AssemblyScript in NEAR
  2. NEAR specific concepts
  3. Review of the projects developed with NEAR
  4. Developing your own projects ✨

So please, for the rest of the course...

💁 DO NOT wait until you understand everything, FOCUS on trying to make something simple

😸 DO NOT dive into consensus and economics, FOCUS on trying to study working examples

💅 DO NOT insist on learning to write Rust, FOCUS on using the best language for YOU

⚙️ DO NOT add complexity with frontend code, FOCUS on writing contract code

Yazılım Kariyerinde İlerlemeni Hızlandıracak Eğitimler

Kendi kendine yazılım öğrenirken zorlanıyor, takıldığın noktalarda bir mentore mi ihtiyaç duyuyorsun? Patika+ programlarımız ile 4-8 aylık yoğun eğitim kamplarına katıl, proje tabanlı canlı dersler ve sana özel hazırlanmış eğitimlerle gereken tüm yetenekleri kazan, iş hayatına başla!


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