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NEAR Developer Course

What is NEAR CLI?

CLI stands for Command Line Interface tool to interact with accounts and smart contracts on NEAR.

near-cli is a NodeJS command line interface that utilizes near-api-js to connect to and interact with the NEAR blockchain.

Most commonly used commands:

  • near login: store full access key locally
  • near state: show general details of an account
  • near send: sends tokens from one account to another
  • near deploy: deploy a contract to the blockchain
  • near dev-deploy: create a dev account & deploy a contract (TestNet)
  • near call: make a contract call (change or view methods)
  • near view: make a contract call (only view methods)
  • near repl: launch an interactive connection to the blockchain

You can install near-cli globally with npm install -g near-cli. Make sure you have a current version of npm and NodeJS version 12 or above installed. For Windows users, we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

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