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NEAR Developer Course

AssemblyScript, as a variant of TypeScript that is syntactically similar to JavaScript, allows developers accustomed to JavaScript to use a familiar language for targeting WebAssembly, potentially reducing the learning curve of a separate language that can be compiled to WebAssembly.

What are the advantages of AssemblyScript?

It offers a large group of developers who already write applications for the web a path to pick up and learn WebAssembly. Even if you are starting from scratch and are not particularly familiar with JavaScript or TypeScript, AssemblyScript is a solid choice when picking a language to start outputting to WebAssembly.

Moreover, the optimized AssemblyScript is almost twice as fast as JavaScript.

Yazılım Kariyerinde İlerlemeni Hızlandıracak Eğitimler

Kendi kendine yazılım öğrenirken zorlanıyor, takıldığın noktalarda bir mentore mi ihtiyaç duyuyorsun? Patika+ programlarımız ile 4-8 aylık yoğun eğitim kamplarına katıl, proje tabanlı canlı dersler ve sana özel hazırlanmış eğitimlerle gereken tüm yetenekleri kazan, iş hayatına başla!


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