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NEAR Developer Course

Develop project ideas

During the training, you reviewed some sample projects. Now let's develop yours!

One of the most time-consuming phases of project development is deciding on the idea. But good news: You are completely free about the project you will develop! Don't complicate it too much, just come up with a simple idea.

Here are some tips to come up with a project idea:

  • Think about your interests (film, music, politics, social issues, games, daily problems)
  • Ask yourself: "What can I build related to my interest area?"
  • A simple NCD project can be something that:
  • Will have multiple users
  • Stores some data persistently
  • Maybe, has some financial transactions

You can develop any kind of contract, from helping animals to archiving tweets. At this stage, simple will be best for you.

  • You must have a smart contract that you can deploy to NEAR TestNet and call
  • The contract interface must not be a copy of any examples or demos that you found. If you are making a derivative work, please FORK the repo that inspired you. Othwerwise you'd risk losing your certification
  • The contract should use all of the following features of NEAR Protocol: Storage, Context, Persistent collections, Assert statements

Homework: Submit your project ideas on #brainstorming channel on Discord and share feedback with others! Afterwards,


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