Focus mode

NEAR Developer Course


This is the second part of the practice that we have done before. You can either work on your practice I repo or clone it again. Working with your previous repo is a better idea to understand changes.

In this part, you need to change the smart contract while using a predecessor. After that, please build and deploy your smart contract and share with us your GitHub link which includes Task 4.

Task 4

cd starter--near-sdk-as

In src/simple/assembly/index.ts

export function helloWorld(names: Array<string>): string {
  return<string>(name => 'hello ' + name).join(`\n`)

Change to,

export function helloWorld(): string {
  const predecessor = Context.predecessor
  return 'hello ' + predecessor

yarn build:release

near dev-deploy ./build/release/simple.wasm

near call $CONTRACT helloWorld --accountId <YOUR_ACCOUNT>.testnet


hello <YOUR_ACCOUNT>.testnet

At this point, upload your repo to GitHub, and please share your new repo link with us. 

Congrats! You have a smart contract on web3!

Yazılım Kariyerinde İlerlemeni Hızlandıracak Eğitimler

Kendi kendine yazılım öğrenirken zorlanıyor, takıldığın noktalarda bir mentore mi ihtiyaç duyuyorsun? Patika+ programlarımız ile 4-8 aylık yoğun eğitim kamplarına katıl, proje tabanlı canlı dersler ve sana özel hazırlanmış eğitimlerle gereken tüm yetenekleri kazan, iş hayatına başla!



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